PolyGoon Token (GOON)

GOON token is the fuel of the PolyGoon ecosystem.

Token Ticker: GOON

Total Supply: 42,000,000 (42M)

Contract Address: 0x50D74B93b2D970A2d727A43F490742051d93401B

Chain: Polygon (Matic) Network

Emission rate: Starts with 1 GOON per block, then we can adjust based on the performance of the Yield Farm (time-locked).

Emission distribution: Initial Farms (70%) / Pools (30%) emission rate is set to 1 GOON reward per block. The PolyGoon development wallet gets 10% of the emission rate, to ensure successful growth of the project.

Total supply: 42,000,000 (42M)

Initial supply: 700,000 (700k)

Burn: 340 000 (340k)

Lock: 233 000 (233K) lock for ever

Strategic sale: 40,000 (40K)

Airdrop: 20,000 (20K)

Last updated

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