Full details on the PolyGoon trading fees structure.
When you trade on PolyGoon and interact with the Swap / AMM and Yield Farm features, you sometimes have to pay a fee or transaction cost. But they are not the same thing. What's the difference?
Fee is a service charge from Swap / AMM / Yield Farm. Depending on the function with which you interact - the cost of the commission may vary. For example, trading on Swap / AMM, placing LP tokens in Goon Farms, or placing other types of tokens in Goon pools.
When using Swap / AMM, a final modal window will be displayed in front of you before processing the transaction, in which all fees will be displayed. At this point, the user can view the details of the swap / AMM fees for the transaction before it happens. Confirm or Cancel the operation - it's up to you to decide.
If there is a fee for a Yield Farm service, then in the user interface (UI) the cost will be clearly indicated and visible, for example, "Deposit Fee 1.5%". Conversely, if there is no charge for the service, it will still be displayed in the user interface (UI) to ensure that it is fully understood. For example, "Deposit Fee 0%".
PolyGoon will never charge you a fee without prior notice on the screen, it should always be visible in the user interface and recorded in the project documentation.
About Transaction Costs
The transaction cost is the payment from the underlying network transport, i.e. the Polygon Network, for handling the interaction of your wallet with the Swap / AMM and Yield Farm functions on the network.
Technically, when you use Swap / AMM and Yield Farm, you are actually interacting with smart contracts that are configured for each service.
An example would be Goon farms - when you put your PolyGoon LPs on a farm, collect your GOON, or rent your PolyGoon LPs, you will have to pay the transaction cost. Depending on the complexity of the process / logic of the smart contract, the price may change, however, before approving the proposed transaction and costs, you can always review it in advance.
If you are using MetaMask - your browser should display a transaction window every time a transaction is to be processed.
Reject - if you want, you can always reject the transaction, after which the transaction will be aborted and you will not incur any costs. Also the operation you tried to do with Swap / AMM or Yield Farm will be canceled.
Confirm - the transaction will be sent for processing on the network, after your confirmation of the operation. Your transaction will only be completed after it has been confirmed on the network several times. Completion / processing may occur instantaneously or take a longer period of time depending on network traffic and / or congestion.
Note: if you still have questions or concerns about our fee structure or transaction costs. Please contact us through our Official Social networks, we will be happy to advise and help you.
Last updated
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